- SpatialExtremes::alt.matInternal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
- SpatialExtremes::coordInternal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
- SpatialExtremes::coordInternal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
- SpatialExtremes::lat.vecInternal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
- SpatialExtremes::lon.vecInternal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
- SpatialExtremes::maxima.summerInternal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
- SpatialExtremes::metadataInternal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
- SpatialExtremes::minima.winterInternal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
- SpatialExtremes::rainInternal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
- SpatialExtremes::windAnnual maxima wind gusts in the Netherlands.