1. SpatialExtremes::alt.mat
    Internal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
    matrix|192 x 115
  2. SpatialExtremes::coord
    Internal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
  3. SpatialExtremes::coord
    Internal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
  4. SpatialExtremes::lat.vec
    Internal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
  5. SpatialExtremes::lon.vec
    Internal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
  6. SpatialExtremes::maxima.summer
    Internal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
    matrix|100 x 424
  7. SpatialExtremes::metadata
    Internal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
  8. SpatialExtremes::minima.winter
    Internal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
    matrix|99 x 424
  9. SpatialExtremes::rain
    Internal functions and methods for the maxstable package.
    matrix|47 x 79
  10. SpatialExtremes::wind
    Annual maxima wind gusts in the Netherlands.
    matrix|42 x 35